20 julio 2012

THOIF - Concurso

Good news dear Aliens! In order to celebrate the coming of the summer, THOIF(Tokio Hotel Official Italian Forum)gives you the chance to win the Deluxe Edition of Humanoid English Version !!!
Exactly, if you live in Europe you have only to follow some simple steps and the lucky winner, could be just you !
1. First of all, make you sure to have pushed the "Like" button on our Facebook page
2. Every 2 days we're posting there a riddle, all you have to do is:
To share the post with the riddle of the day
To send us an e-mail at THofficialitalianforum@hotmail.it

You have the time of 2 days to solve the riddle, after that we're posting a new one !
In your e-mail do not forget to specify
-The name through which you're subscribed on Facebook
-Your Country
-The riddle solution

The game's developing this way: to every riddle corresponds a round that will eliminate the competitors who gave the mistaken solution. Obviously we recommend you to join until the end, because we'll not unfold the "survivor" competitors until the end of the game!

For any question let's ask in the provided topic on the forum(do remember you have to be subscribed for posting!)
We have prepared for you 5 riddles, the contest's starting the day 19.07.2012 consequently it's ending the day 29.07.2012.
We'll discover the name of the winner the day 29.07.2012 at 21 p.m(according to the Italian time zone) on the Facebook page and on the forum.

Good luck to everybody and, mostly, have fun!

THOIF staff

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