Translation by KiraGQ - please credit if you copy!
Pale like moon,sweet like Krapfen
Ambiguous, symbionts, idolized: "A" meet Kaulitz twins,leaders of Tokio Hotel.And it learns they dream the same witch.
"If our job was a real one,we could quit;but we are Tokio Hoteln stage,day and night in our dreams". The words of Bill Kaulitz,gothic German elf and leader of band,sounds teeny but convinced. They are convincing enough to enmesh teenagers:a generation of girls is at their feet,but a good number of 20,30 and 40 years old women would give anything to breathe "the same air of him". A part of the crowd goes nut and cries,in Catania: today Bill and Tom Kaulitz twins (singer and guitarist of the 4 members group) are guest at the final episode of TRL on the Road,the teeny-oriented MTV show on tour (who is going to keep from Milano on September 13). And them,the "sick of Tokio Hotel" are here. With bikini or pimples,with an advance of 17 hours to their idols appearance (they won't sing,they will say only "Hi Catania" and then they will sing 300 autographes). In standing places close to stage,teenagers start to faint because of warm and emotion. They show Humanoid City Live DVD,filmed during Tokio Hotel concert in Milano: it's out since today morning,and many girls camped to Feltrinelli the whole night to get it. Aggressive girls,like a demigods fan is. Indeed,this is they way twins appear: unreachable,aliens.
However,in the interviews room,Bill Kaulitz is just an undepressure 20 years old boy. His smile is tight,his long fingers with black nailpolish move jerkly. But the style is impeccable,what they need to promote the product(3 milions and half of sold album),to win the acclaim of management,to go on. In order to every fan can see confirmed the "3 milestones" of Tokio Hotel, and feel free to dream up. First: a symbiotic relationship between Bill and Tom twins. [now there is part about ******** I prefer don't put supposely it's not allowed stuff here]. "We feel the same,as if we live in both bodies",says Tom. He does the seductive guy,determined in his street-look made by cornrows,piercing and rapper pants. "Like the time in Berlin,when you phoned me saying to be regard",Bill reminds "and then I had an accident". Day and night. "We have the same recurrent nightmare". We listen. "An ugly bad witch who kill our parents",they tell together. Nice outside,sweet inside,just like a krapfen.
Second fact: Bill is heterosexual,maybe not. "Fans who still wonder if I am gay or not make me bored" he says. He throw his head back,looking like Carrà. [Raffaella Carrà is a very famous Italian hosting,showgirl and singer]. He blinks his cat eyes,magnetic smokeyes so infinite in paleness of face. "Since I was kid I like make up and David Bowie,but it doesn't mean I like men also".
Third fact: Bill is the romantic one,Tom is the playboy. "Sometimes I'm jelous about his behaviour with girls",Bill explains. "But the time I have for living on this earth is too little to risk of spend it with a person who isn't the right one". So the teen-agers pop-rock alien practives the abstince since he was 14. Instead Tom.. "I catch the occasions",he says. For everyone,who can recognize her Prince Charming in either (but asking in loco the "bastard one" seems to be more successful of the good guy,as always). Bill claims: "I'm not able to go at fans and say:<
"We started with Tokio Hotel when we were 15: too early to do not make mistakes" his twin suggests. For example? "Drink much alchool.We are growing up,maybe we should worry about the effects of our behaviours on teenagers". Although they are grown as well: many of them,crush of first rock-emo period of band,didn't appreciate the electronic turn "truzza" [it's an Italian slang word to mean unz unz,disco-house and stuff; "truzzi" are also people who listen this music or not dress up in a fine way] of their new album "Humanoid". "Even lyrics are less effective" according with Serena,a 34 years old woman "come out from post-partum depression thanks to Tokio".
Twins's answer is the most obvious: "We evolved. It's better talking about our music instead of our private life" Tom says,but even him seems to not believe. "Sometimes I'd like to do something crazy without media fixed on me" Bill adds. If you are a Kaulitz,it's impossible to going out with friends,without bodyguards. "Fans recognize me when I try to hide myself too,with glasses and cap.They recognize point of my nose I think". "It's hard to fall in love like he wishes" says Tom. Too bad almost every lyric of them tell about love. "But love is everywhere,you just need to open your eyes".Bill spreads his arms. "I have always my laptop with me,to find inspiration".
Hurray,cin cin!2 guys take their last glass of energy drink.
Transgressive like an energy drink,nope David Bowie. And maybe this is better,especially for who is parent today.
30 julio 2010
Revista italiana
julio 30, 2010

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