I: Guys, we made it. Only a few hours are missing until the Tokio Hotel concert at Palalottomatica in Rome. This is the venue, you can see it behind me, they’re alreay inside, the gates are open, tickets for the concert. We gathered all your questions, which you made on raimusic website, I’ve got all of them on a piece of paper, now I’m going inside and I’ll try to make them answer as much questions as possible. I’m gonna give my best, let’s go, do you come with me?
Guys, here’s the backstage, come with me!
So, here we are with Tokio Hotel. Desiree is asking you, what do you think about fans who don’t scream and cry like the majority of them do at your concerts, but just let themselves be carried by music and emotions?
B: I think we can say in general that we like you know, laut fans and screaming fans. We were at other concerts and we saw the audience you know, clapping… I think it kind of boring. I really enjoy, you know to be on stage and to feel real emotions from everyone. So yeah, I think I prefer when it’s really really loud, but it’s up to every fans, so, as long as they listen to our music it’s fine.
I: Again about fans, B. from Rome asked if you know that in Italy there is a very active group of not really young fans, who follow and support you even if you’re always categorized as a “teen band”. Do you know it?
B: I think, you know for us it’s always good when the people listen to our music, I think it’s not you know, the age or something. So we really don’t care, I mean you can listen to our music when you’re 19, if you’re 90 it’s also fine.
T: You can have a good music taste when you are 16 and you can have a good music taste when you are 60, so…
B: Yeah, so it’s nice.
I: You made italian fans even happier with the decision to record the live dvd during the concert in Milan. Alessia asks you why you decided to record the Milan concert and what’s special with italian fans. If there’s something special, obviously.
B: I think it was, you know, a lot of things, because it’s the end of the tour so we are kind of, you know, used to the show and that’s good so, and of course because of the Italian fans, you know we never did a dvd outside from Germany, it’s the first time. So we decided, ok come on let’s try it in Italy because we had you know good experience with the audience and everything and they’re always great, you know it’s always energetic and it’s always a good show in Italy so that’s why we decided to do it in Milano.
I: Now let’s talk about your last album, an album that is way different from the old ones, there are lots of electronic sounds and a clear reference to 80’s music. Denise from Milan wants to know this. Why did you decide to change the sound? And what made you take this decision?
T: We didn’t decided, it was like a long process you know, we produced like one year for the new record and you know, it was really important for us to have, you know, a good time in the studio and especially, you know, feel free to have the time to do really a new great record. And you know, it was like a developement in the studio, we didn’t decided it… Bill and me, We co-produced the record for the very first time, and that was also a great experience, you know, we tried lot of different things, new producers and I mean we also produced with our producer… and yeah, that was a natural developement and it was also important for us to do a new record after the long time. We toured like three years ago with you know, the old record and it was time for us to do something new.
I: We received many many questions from all over the world, from Spain, from USA, from South America, from Central America, from Canada, from Philippines, from all over Europe, from Russia, from Denmark and from Norway. To represent them all we take Aixa from Spain, because she asks something interesting. Now that this incredible part of the european tour is finished, of course things are not over. What are your plans after the promo tour in Asia, are you gonna go on tour again or work to a new album? Say us something!
B: Don’t ask us questions about our schedule!
T: Was it a question after the tour?
B: It was a question after Asia
T: Ah, after Asia…
B: So, I’m happy that I know that I go to Asia and that’s all I know so far. So, I mean I think the whole year it’s just, you know, playing live and you know, just with this record. I don’t think we’ll release a new record this year. So, but we definitely will go in the studio, I mean we go always in the studio when we have some free time, we always write songs, we always go in studio so, and we have already new songs so…
T: But I don’t think we will release a new record this year. I think it’s more about playing live and maybe go to South America, and you know Asia and all that, yeah
19 abril 2010
abril 19, 2010

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