They argued about it, wrote it in less than two hoursand are shooting a video for it in South Africa — but so far, there's very little Tokio Hotel have revealed about "Automatic," the first single from their hotly anticipatedHumanoid album, due in October. Until now, that is. Late Monday, the guys in TH reached out to MTV News, asking if we'd like to premiere a 45-second snippet of "Automatic" — and of course we said yes. And they even threw in an added bonus: the first photo of frontman Bill Kaulitz, taken from the set of the super-secret video shoot. "Automatic" was produced by frequent Tokio Hotel collaborator David Jost — who last week told MTV News that the song was written on a whim, after Kaulitz and his brother/ TH guitarist Tom came up with the idea for the track while driving to their Los Angeles recording studio. "Bill and Tom were on their way from their hotel in West Hollywood to our studio — originally to record Bill's vocals. Just before the guys arrived Bill called from the car and said that he had an idea for a song which should be named 'Automatic,' " Jost wrote. "We put the vocal recordings on hold that day and wrote down the entire song in less than two hours." Regardless of how long "Automatic" took to put together, the end result is pretty epic: the track is full of huge-sounding guitars, recalling U2 or Coldplay or even Angels & Airwaves — which seems to fit with what production team the Matrix told MTV News last year, when they described the new TH songs as "strong, anthem-y" stuff with "lots of guitars." The vocals are soaring and massive, aiming straight for the stars, and the drums crash and pop ... and that's not even mentioning the amount of electronic frippery backing it all up. If, as Jost said last month, the album really is influenced by science fiction, well, then it's fitting that "Automatic" sounds like a big, super-charged space cruiser. But that's just our take on it. We want to know what you think of Tokio Hotel's "Automatic," too. You can let us know in the comments below, or upload your reactions — or footage of you listening to the song — to Hotel's 'Automatic:' Check Out Exclusive Clip And Photo!
Check out a 45-second preview of band's next single right here!
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18 agosto 2009
agosto 18, 2009

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