End of story. They say nothing more. The guys from Tokio Hotel, choosing burgers and idols of teenagers across the world, do not want to be the more aggressive confrontations with fans observations. Manager David Jost said only: "We are of the view that the stalking theme henceforth solely by legal means may be reconditioned and must." But want to sink the successful musicians from Magdeburg, in 2008 at the MTV Video Music Awards for best young band has been chosen, so still can not. What Abendblatt found out, will the singer Bill Kaulitz and guitarist Tom (both 19), drummer Gustav Schäfer (20) and bassist Georg Listing (22) be at the new H & M campaign "Fashion Against AIDS" (Fashion against AIDS) here.
They are located in the best (musical) company. As well as internationally known artists like Katy Perry, Yoko Ono and burlesque dancer Dita Von Teese, they have T-shirts, Bodysuit, jersey dresses and tops designed, whose proceeds benefit AIDS projects. The sale begins on 28 May. "The designs recall through its white, bright and graffiti-inspired prints to the 80s look. The girls wear short skirts parts or washed jeans," says H & M's chief designer Ann-Sofie Johannson. "Guys with the best hochgerollten colored chinos or trousers." Flashback: It was at night at 16 April when there was no gas station in Hamburg to a confrontation between members of Tokio Hotel fans came and intrusive. It was a 21-year-old wounded in the face. She had told the police that they recognized Tom Kaulitz, and a photo of him wanted to make. Then the guitarist had a lit cigarette thrown at her, she at the wheel of his car had expressed. According to the victim, the encounter ended in a brawl.
Source/Whole article:
A la venta el 28 de Mayo!
02 mayo 2009
mayo 02, 2009

ESE ES BILL?? Ps... tiene la wenorridad subida xDD (se me cae la babaaa...)
ResponderEliminarpensaba que Bill no podria ser mas guapo pero... me equibocaba XD (dios que calor en el cuerpo XD)
ResponderEliminarO la foto se realizó antes del cambio de look de tom o es un montaje... que no es descartable puesto que ciculan por internet muchos y muy bien hechos. Imagino que para salir de dudas tendremos que esperar a que salga el nuevo CD junto con las nuevas sesiones...
ResponderEliminarla foto es la que ha publicado la web de donde hemos sacado la información, así que o es un montaje de ellos mismos o es de verdad ( esta opcion será la más probable, llevan la misma camiseta)
ResponderEliminarPero claro es antes del cambio de look de Tom!
Tsss deveria aver sido despues del cambio de look de tom
ResponderEliminarPero creo que esa foto la abrian censurado,seriia demasiado *-*
Peroo mira que buenorro sta Bill
OMG,sii ponen a tom con las trenzas esas...Podria morir e_e'
Esta raro,pero le que verdaderamente biien :]
u__ú stos tiios me pueden..
aaammm fijate yo kreia k le iban a kedar peor las rastas esas o le k sea a bill... xro sta mas wenorro k nuncaaa =Q_____________
ResponderEliminarkiero lass camis T_T
pues a mi no me termina de convercer... supongo que me iré acostumbrando pero es que parece que se ha puesto una fregona en la cabeza... aunque claro a esa cara tan perfecta le sienta bien todo
ResponderEliminartambien se venderan aki, no???
ResponderEliminaraaaiiii!! omáa!! q rico bill!!
exo de menos su pelo leon, igualmente...