Through the Monsoon- Tokio Hotel sing in front of Waterfall
The patented, one-and triple Water Wall Pro system as systems GmbH from market Einersheim, combines numerous self-shadows on themselves. The system can be projected onto water contrasts show, and can also easily installed and transported.
Due to these advantages, it is very good at trade shows and tours, or as a fixed installation. Even when performance of the German band Tokio Hotel in MTV European Music Awards 2007 in Munich came as a system of systems GmbH is used. Due to the large number of outlet nozzles are also an optimal water flow and its distribution is possible. Numerous innovations and experiences from practice flowed in this new system. Besides an optimal thick curtain of water droplets, it offers the possibility of the elements together to unlimited series, and a pneumatic locking system can be optionally affixed to a post drops almost completely prevented. The versatile mounting options also help with difficult fixtures.
And then the Assembly: Three Nutenbahnen, various bracket systems using M6 or M8 threaded install. The diagonally upwards connection facilitates the connection with the required one-inch pressure hose. The elegantly shaped profile optimizes the flow of water, the air flow rate and thereby guaranteeing an optimal droplet formation. The nozzles are made of plastic and can be easily exchanged. The profile consists of industrial-strength aluminum. Therefore, all stainless steel parts.
A barely visible transition between the individual elements among the other advantages of the new water screens. The Water Wall Pro is designed for interior and exterior, and for temporary purposes, as well as fixed installations suitable. All used parts are designed for long life and virtually maintenance free. For the operation, the overall supply of both sides is recommended. Due to the high water flow should be from a distance of three meters per element more pumps can be connected. These can be via a DMX512 signal is remotely running. The potential production per element length is about six meters. In order to mount a beam or other stable structure requires that the expected weight of up to 20 kilograms per meter can hold. The height should be a maximum height of six meters do not exceed. As a special construction can be more than three rows are manufactured. (Stadionwelt, 09.04.2009)
Die Band Tokio Hotel wurde bei ihrem Auftritt bei den EMAs 2007 in München vom Waterfall Pro System der as systems GmbH unterstützt
Alle Bilder: as systems GmbH
Als Sonderbauten können auch dreireihige Wasserfall-Systeme konstruiert werden
12 abril 2009
Through the monsoon- TH canta delante de una cascada
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