04 abril 2009

por si alguien tiene MTV Italia (emisión el 10 de abril)


Theme of Friday April 10 on MTV. This week Teen Stars. 
This week from April 10 Super Friday with the weekend's MTV begins one day earlier with a special programming each week dedicated to a different theme. To inaugurate the event an entire day dedicated to Teen Stars, the most successful in emerging ones, such as Avril Lavigne, Charter Mark, the Jonas Brothers and Tokio Hotel with special, exclusive live video and the best of your favorite artists ! 

Here is the schedule for Friday April 10: 
Blast Chart: Teen Idols @ 12.00 
Do not miss the first 10 positions of the ranking of the coolest Mtv by sensual Carmen Electra. 

The Fabulous life of posh pop stars @ 13.00 
The special 'The Fabulous Life of Posh Pop Stars' show the highest levels of popularity of Justin Timberlake, Beyoncé, Madonna, Rihanna and whims that fail to renounce absolutely entering their lives, with a unique look and style on their close living outside the normal. 

Marco Carta live @ your school @ 14:30 
The winner of San Remo in 2009, the star of Friends, in an exclusive live concert recorded at Emilio Messina Ainis 

Tokio Hotel Live from Avalon - Hollywood @ 16:00 
An exclusive live from Avalon in Hollywood California. Intense hour of their performance, including the single 'Ready Set Go', 'By Your Side' and last single of 2008 'Do not Jump'. Please sit back and enjoy the show! 

Jonas Brothers live from London and Jonas Brothers Experience 17:00 
An hour devoted entirely to the much loved Jonas Brothers with a Live from London and a special edition of their films in 3D, which incorporates a concert by Nick, Joe & Kevin does not like you have never seen before! 

MTV the Most: Teen Idols @ 19:00 
The bizarre themes rankings conducted by Francesco Mandelli this time are targeting the Teen Star. Not to be missed! 


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