The twins HAVE EMERGED! Repeat: WE HAVE THE KAULITZ TWINS! The Tokio twins are alive and well and hanging out in Berlin, taking in a comedy show by Oliver Pocher. Bill’s Sonic the Hedgehog hair has been replaced by more Tom-like twinsie black-and-white dreads, and his usually kohl-covered eyes have been replaced by a rust-colored eyeshadow. Mrow! Check out tons more photos at (especially helpful: functional knowledge of German) and the always-reliable Tokio Hotel America for a translation. (Thanks, guys!) And - JA! Tokio Hotel’s planning a South American tour! Anyway, my take on BK’s new look: I love the shiny, sleek, slick look of Bill’s new hair, and the new makeup colors he’s experimenting with. It’s a little less shocking (not that you guys are really shocked) and little more sophisticated. (Now HURRY UP AND FINISH UP THAT NEW ALBUM, DUDES!) More importantly, your thoughts, bitte?
(Image via
11 marzo 2009 - hablan del nuevo look de bill
marzo 11, 2009

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