11 marzo 2009

mtvbuzzworthy.com - hablan del nuevo look de bill

(Image via iloveradio.de)

The twins HAVE EMERGED! Repeat: WE HAVE THE KAULITZ TWINS! The Tokio twins are alive and well and hanging out in Berlin, taking in a comedy show by Oliver Pocher. Bill’s Sonic the Hedgehog hair has been replaced by more Tom-like twinsie black-and-white dreads, and his usually kohl-covered eyes have been replaced by a rust-colored eyeshadow. Mrow!

Check out tons more photos at iloveradio.de (especially helpful: functional knowledge of German) and the always-reliable Tokio Hotel America for a translation. (Thanks, guys!) And - JA! Tokio Hotel’s planning a South American tour!

Anyway, my take on BK’s new look: I love the shiny, sleek, slick look of Bill’s new hair, and the new makeup colors he’s experimenting with. It’s a little less shocking (not that you guys are really shocked) and little more sophisticated. (Now HURRY UP AND FINISH UP THAT NEW ALBUM, DUDES!)

More importantly, your thoughts, bitte?

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