21 marzo 2009

J-14 (US) April 1009 - ¿Qué es más grande- su pelo o su sonrisa?


The title reads "Tokio Hotel: What's bigger--Bill's hair or smile?" 
On the picture, it says "The Real Lion King!" 
The picture's caption says "Tokio Hotel's Bill must believe bigger is better--he's got big hair and a big smile!" 

Jada: "He's forcing his smile too much. The hair is what makes him cute!" 
Kyah: "Kudos to the hair but maybe calm it down and get a haircut. The smile is great because it brings out the best in people." 
Dana: "His hair! It's got to be bigger than my dog's!" 
Emmy: "They're equally big, but if I had to choose...his smile! It's cute!" 

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