A sign of life from Tokio hotel! A sign of life from Bill Kaulitz!
And what a sign!
Bill Kaulitz new hairstyle alert!
Yesterday evening (07.03.2009) Bill and his borther Tom were surprise guests at the Aftershow part to "Gefährliches Halbwissen", the new comedy-show from Oliver Pocher.
After the premiere in the Berlin 02 world, the VIP's went to party at the trendy Puro Lounge.
Now the first exlcusive shot are taken from the newly styled Tokio hotel singer, that iloveradio.de is showing you here exclusively!
(No, the blond lady on the left talking to Bill and Tom is not Heidi Klum, but Oliver Pochers model girlfriend Moica Invancan)
At the end of Mai and latest the beginning of June the third album will be released - and Bill doesn't just wanna show a new song, but also wanna surprise with a new Bill.
We will make it short:
Bill has traded his big black hair with white stripes he has had for the past two years for long black hair with thick white braid synthetic streaks, that end at shoulder height as dreadlocks. Tom sends his regards!
A drastic change - but just 1 of 2 parts, cause also his eye make-up needed a new look:
With the black eyeliner Bill used a strong rust red eye shadow on saturdayevening in Puro.
On the photo without zoom it almost looks like Tom isn't impressed by his borthers new look. What will promotionchef Michael Kurcharski from Universal music be thinking?
And here finally another look at Bill's new make-up:
08 marzo 2009
Iloveradio!! articulo con las fotos
marzo 08, 2009

Sientoo decirloo!!! u.u peroo a bill lee quedabaa mejor el pelo levantaadoo!