14 enero 2009


On his official website, the American producer and song-writer most famous in Rock, also known as Desmond Child, said he is working with Tokio Hotel. 

Do you remeber the hit "I was made for loving you" by Kiss, "Living on a Prayer" from Bon Jovi, "Hole in my Soul" of Aerosmith? the list of the co-wroted songs and produced by Desmond child is long... Indeed, 300 million albuns sold worldwide, half of them have him as producer or pricipal colaboratior. And now we knew that his writting with (to...) Tokio Hotel, as it did with the Jonas Brothers a few years ago. One thing is that is safe despite the changes that had been announced for their thirth album, the four Germans want always to be sure they sell many CDs. 

Desmond Child Website, where is saying that he is working with Tokio Hotel

4 comentarios:

  1. Me uno al coro: quién es ése?? se supone que tenemos que conocerle? XD

  2. A ver...
    este hombre es un gran productor y compositor de canciones... ha trabajado con grandes artistas y ha hecho canciones que después han sido éxitos.
    El link k os hemos dejado es de su web, y ahi encontraréis infomrción sobre él y sobre las canciones que ha compuesto.
