03 enero 2009

encuenta Vanity Fair: los alemanes mas importantes: TOKIO HOTEL

In our voting for the most important Germans of 2008, Tokio Hotel went through that with a clear advantage. At the beginning of the year they had 99 competitors, under the greats of politics, economics and sport. Starting December 5 of them is in sure position: Tokio Hotel, Dietmar Hopp, Bushido, Stefan Raab und Helmut Schmidt. With nearly 85% of all votes, our readers are not asking openly who is the most important in this year: Tokio Hotel.

Bill Kaulitz, Tom Kaulitz, Georg Listing and Gustav Schäfer played for over 5 mln people on their concerts where all the tickets have been sold out completely. At MTV Video Music Awards 2008 they have won their first american award.

Year 2008 with Tokio Hotel: the most beautiful pictures are in out gallery! [ visit VF gallery HERE ]

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