05 septiembre 2008

Sep 5 - MTV FNMTV 8pm


If someone offered you $500 dollars to possibly kill (or at least blind) yourself and permanently damage you internal organs, would you do it?

What about if you were really bored, and that someone was Pete Wentz?

Well, I know my answer: yes. This is because, yesterday, while we were taking a break from shooting the special VMA-edition of FNMTV (airing this Friday! 8 p.m.! Special appearances by Tokio Hotel and T.I.! WOOOO!), Wentz bet me $500 to eat a gigantic, gumball-sized ball of wasabi — then wash it down with 32 fluid ounces of really nasty Kombucha , a fermented drink that tasted a whole lot like malted vinegar. And I took him up on his wager.

So I downed the wasabi (shooter style, like an oyster), and chugged the Kombucha. It felt like I has just swallowed a smoldering charcoal briquette, then doused it in gasoline. For about two hours, I was drenched in sweat, my head throbbed and I felt like I was going to puke my guts out. Then I felt like I was going to die. My stomach made unspeakable noises and produced even more unspeakable odors. Pete laughed at me a whole lot. But it was worth it. (Check out more photo evidence after the jump.)

Because at the end of the day, his wife Ashlee Simpson came on set and gave me a knot of twenties that added up to $500 … I felt vindicated, and rich. Then I went back to my hotel and destroyed the bathroom.

All-in-all, a pretty excellent way to kick off VMA week. And say what you will about Wentz, he is a complete sadist … But he definitely does not welch on a bet.

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