03 septiembre 2008

bravo rusa

The twins are 19! No longer boys!

Very soon, on September 1, we will be celebrating the 19th birthday of the Kaulitz twins. But for now, let’s take a look at all the events that have taken place recently in the life of Tokio Hotel.

Success and Achievements

Bill Kaulitz has everything necessary for a successful career: talent, a look, money, the love of the fans. But there is one thing missing for the total happiness of every young man – a good car! This month Bill finally got his driver’s license and immediately bought a luxurious, silver convertible from BMW, for almost 100 000 Euros.

Aside from that, the group is among the nominees for the MTV VMAs in the “Best New Artist” category. This, yet again, proves that the boys are successfully conquering the Unites States and are already quite popular in this country. You can vote for the guys on MTV’s official website (mtv.com). The Award show is very soon- on September 7.

This month, Tokio Hotel is also celebrating another important event: exactly three years ago, the August of 2005, the single “Durch Den Monsun” was released, which made Tokio Hotel known to the world. With that song started the band’s history. And with that song these boys changed the world of music forever.

Indecent Proposal

The twins are getting older, which means, that the scandals, that they are sometimes involved in, are getting bigger too. Not that long ago, a few girls declared that Bill spends the nights in different online chatrooms, using his big name and fame to get the girls to send him naked pictures. But we know that Bill would never dare to take advantage of the love of his fans, with such low behaviour. The police did an investigation and caught an 18-year-old Frenchman, who, for few weeks was posing on the internet as Bill Kaulitz and making the girls believe that he really is the “real” Bill. During the contact with the girls, the false-Bill was very friendly and caring, so it took awhile to find out about the fraud. But the Frenchman took too much advantage of Bill’s fans, and this brought about hard consequences. At first the girls were nervous to send the poser their naked pictures. They were suspicious, but still sent the photos. Finally, the law enforcements were able to trace the guy and found him in a small town in France. With him, they found many photographs of naked girls in erotic positions. The police were in shock, when they found out that some of the girls were only 11-years-old. Now the dude will have to pay a large fine. When we contacted Bill for a comment about the event, he assured us and all of his fans, that neither he nor anyone else from the group ever were and ever will be at these online chatrooms. They just don’t have the time.

Pic Captions (Clock-wise from the top)

Page 1
- The boys had fans waiting for them at the New York airport.
- Tokio Hotel are being pulled in different directions. Despite their tight schedule, they promise to come to Russia. You will know about the concert dates first in BRAVO!
- Bill tries to pay attention to each fan.
- Even on the streets of New York the boys are greeted by large groups of fans.
- The tough American cops protect the boys like “the apple of the eye”…
- … But the love of the fans cannot be stopped.

Page 2
- The future “Birthday-boys” are ready to party.
- There is no limit to the excitement of the American fans.
- Today the guys of Tokio Hotel are welcomed guests on MTV, but once they couldn’t even dream of such tremendous success.

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