10 septiembre 2008

Bild.de: Is Tokio hotel wandering of to America?

Is Tokio hotel wandering of to America?

Tokio Hotel and there sensational victory at the MTV Video Music Awrads in L.A.: are Bill (19), Tom (19), Georg (21) and Gustav (20) now wondering of to America?

Experts are sure that only a complete shift to the USA can guaranty our four Magdeburger boys the long waited for international success!

“For a world career it is really important”, tells musicexpert Thomas Stein (59). “The have to be present at all times. That’s what the fans demand. They wanna have there stars near. Otherwise the euphoria will go away pretty quickly.”

„Tokio Hotel“ don’t make a secret of the fact that they feel happy in the States. In New York the surprised thousands of fans early this year with there concerts.

Will MTV success trap the band in the US forever? Bill&Co showed more then once that they are excited about this American adventure. After the whole tour stress the boys wanna go back home to Germany.

Bill to Bild: “I can’t imagine living anywhere else then Germany right now. In the last three years so many things have happened. Everything is just like a dream”.

The rockstar thinks really calm about it: “All the travelling is printed in my thoughts”, Bill tells: “It’s just that awesome. I am happy about every single day, that I can sleep in my own bed”.

Tom smiles: “My little brother is homesick. He is only talking about his own bed in Germany”.

So: First it’s bye-bye USA, Hello Germany. Tomorrow the band is flying back home.


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