Tokio Hotel, LaFee oder Justin Timberlake? Wer ist auf dem Schulhof angesagt? Wer macht das Rennen bei den jungen Zahnspangenträgern? Wer schafft es in die Top Ten, wer ist die Nummer eins bei den Kids? Sonja Zietlow gibt in "Die 10 größten Teenie-Stars" am Mittwoch, 13. August, 20.15 Uhr, die Antwort.
Tokio Hotel, LaFee or Justin Timberlake? Who is on the school announced? Who does the race among young Zahnspangenträgern? Who makes it into the Top Ten, who is number one in the Kids? Sonja Zietlow there in "The 10 largest teen-Stars" on Wednesday, 13 August, clock 20:15, the answer.
Tokyo hotel is currently the most successful German music export product. The band consists of two twin brothers Bill and Tom Kaulitz, Georg Listing and Gustav Schaefer. In August 2005 the four boys had their breakthrough. With countless live shows Tokio Hotel enthusiastic audiences throughout the country and played as a conclusion of the festival season before 75,000 spectators. The then released number-one hit "Through the Monsoon" was also an English version of an international hit. In addition to the loyal German fans are especially fans from Austria, France, Israel and the U.S. mad after the four boys from Magdeburg. Tokyo hotel have sold 3.5 million sound recordings and "Bambi" about the "Cometen" to "Golden tuning fork" all the major German prices. Where the band lands in the ranking with Sonja Zietlow?
LaFee And how cuts in "The 10 largest teen-Stars"? LaFee (middle name Christina Klein) was in the children's talent show "Kiddy Contest" (ORF) was discovered. Since then, she could be a German pop and rock singer a name. Their appearance was the largest so far on New Year's Eve 2006 at the Brandenburg Gate. Your achieved several gold albums and one platinum status. With several "Bravo-Otto" and "echoes", she is considered to be one of the most successful teen singers Germany. A concert in Paris in September 2007 was within two hours sold out. Power LaFee the race?
Or admits Justin Timberlake? On the side of his future girlfriend Britney Spears and music colleague, Christina Aguilera, he was already as a child at the "Mickey Mouse Club" in front of the camera. After he Boygroup N'Sync with the many charter result, he started a very successful solo career. His first solo album, entitled "Justified" was often excellent (six Grammys, an Emmy) and was successfully worldwide. With the first single release "Cry Me A River" he succeeded the international breakthrough as a solo artist. 2006 he impressed as an actor in the film "Alpha Dog". Can he also Sonja Zietlow points?
13 agosto 2008
Musik News: Tokio Hotel, Lafee oder Justin Timberlake?
agosto 13, 2008
